Ing. Carlos Campos

Potuga Fruit Company, is a Panamanian company founded by Ing. Carlos Campos and his family in 2009. 

Carlos Campos is an Agronomist Engineer graduate from Zamorano University in Honduras. Also has a Master Degree in Business Administration.

With his extensive knowledge Carlos Campos is the brain of Potuga Fruit Company, which it is dedicated to produce cucurbits (watermelons) (seeded, seedless, personal seedless and extra firm).

The name arises from the place where the packing house is located.

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop and produce high quality hybrid watermelons to export to the European and American markets, taking advantage of Panama’s port platform.

Our Vision

Consolidate ourselves as a leading company in the production, packaging and exportation of certified hybrid watermelons, of the highest quality under good agricultural practices policies in all our fields.

Friendly to the environment and collaborating with the social and economic development of the Province of Herrera Under our business strategy.


Our main objective is to produce hybrid watermelons that can differentiate our company from the traditional exportable offer.  In order to achieve better prices, sales volumes and a special preference of our customers based on our quality, purity and inequity of our watermelons certified by international organizations.

Priorities and Social Commitments

Our priorities are

  • Premium Quality Fruits, “ Fresh and Healthy”
  • Environmental Responsibility
  • Social Development

Social Commitments

  • Strong relationship with the local community
  • Support Ladies Grower Associations
  • Employ  Disable People
  • Member of Panamanian Exporter  Association since 2009
  • Support National Help Foundations:
  • Casa Esperanza, Nutre Hogar, Home for Elderly